You had better be careful there Plumcrazy. Seeing images of a dozen YKs might drive some of these poor folks into going postal or something. LOL / You Know
You Know
JoinedPosts by You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
The war with Afganistan had nothing to do with financial collapse,It was because of terrorist attacks.Your bet was not about terrorist attacks it was about economic collapse
Nonsense. 9-11 had everything to do with the financial system. Besides, I didn't say how war would erupt or what form it would take. I merely said that if the financial system would either crash or it would be in a state of war. Any way you look at it there is a state of war that continues to the present day. Just because you are ignorant about how the Devil runs his world doesn't mean I am a liar. It just means you are ignorant. / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
Nipple Boy, actually you don't know what you are talking about. I for one bought into the Y2K meltdown scenario. At first I didn't, but the more I read about it I became convinced that the system would probably crash. LaRouche said all along that it was going to be a non-event. He was right. Dubula was assuming that because I thought Y2K was going to be bad that I got that from LaRouche. / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 6 August 2002 13:1:44
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
Outlaw, I can keep this up a lot longer than you can.
There is no need to prove that you are wrong. You are simply wrong. The day after 9-11 the United States declared war on terrorism and went and blew up Afghanistan. Bush said at the time that the war could go on for 10 years or more. Just because the bombs aren't falling at the presernt moment doesn't mena that there is not a state of war. Iraq seems to be on the hit list next. I get the impression that you are not much on history or current events, but WWII started off with a bang and then stalled out for a period, which was called the Phony War at the time, before it recommenced with a vengence. So you are simply an ignorant buffoon if you are saying that there is not a state of war. You prove yourself wrong. I don't have to. / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
There were only three things you predicted and none of them happened,including a war (military or financial)due to economic collapse.Once again..Prove me wrong.
There is no need to prove that you are wrong. You are simply wrong. The day after 9-11 the United States declared war on terrorism and went and blew up Afghanistan. Bush said at the time that the war could go on for 10 years or more. Just because the bombs aren't falling at the presernt moment doesn't mena that there is not a state of war. Iraq seems to be on the hit list next. I get the impression that you are not much on history or current events, but WWII started off with a bang and then stalled out for a period, which was called the Phony War at the time, before it recommenced with a vengence. So you are simply an ignorant buffoon if you are saying that there is not a state of war. You prove yourself wrong. I don't have to. / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
I have. You are just too dumb to realize it. / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
LOL / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
yes, youve been right all were right about the central banks going bankrupt in january, and your link about the "memorial day meltdown" was also right on the money. you havent missed a prediction yet, come to think of it.
Ah, the old bait and switch. I thought we were talking about My Little Wager? Actually, the Central Bank may well be bankrupt. It has never been audited so no one really knows what goes at the Fed. I suspect the book cooking that goes on in the Federal Reserve would make Enron look like kid's stuff. As for Doug Machintosh's Memorial Day Meltdown prediciton that was his, not mine.
that the financial system would be in either crash down mode, or a state of war by the end of october. theres nothing to interpret really...
I agree. There is nothing to interpret. I was right. The financial system was in a meltdown and in a war setting after 9-11 and was saved by the means I have described many times.
and see that you switched gears and would now have us believe that you really meant the u.s. was going to war, thats laughable.
What is laughable is that you fools have tried to interpret my little wager to mean that Wall Street was going to war with itself. I have had many a good laugh over your antics.
well of course....9-11 was planned by the ango-american establishment, right? and osama bin laden had absolutely nothing to do with it, according to you and of course it was made to order.
Americans are such fools. You are too. You gobble down every bit of crap you see on TV. Most people are too lazy to think for themselves and sort things out. Americans have been too dumb-downed at this point to save themselves. Nobody stops to put the pieces together. For example. American intelligence supposedly had no clue about what the Islamic terrorists were up to before 9-11. But then, of course, it came out that they did know, but that that info got stalled in the pipeline for some reason. But, yet for being so in the dark the day after 9-11 the government said the Bin Laden was the man, no doubt about it. No investigation was needed. That's simply incredible. Now, though, Rumsfeld is saying that Bin Laden isn't important. That's because they want a bigger war then some guy running around out in the desert could provide them. Bin Laden is just a mid-level patsy. It is well reported that British intelligence formed and founded Muhajideen to fight the Soviets in Afganistan. There is no reason to assume that that Anglo connection has been dissolved.
So, yeah, your world is run from the top down by professional liars. The demons control the Anglo-American establishment and they control the world and no amount of denial or ridicule can diminish that truth. At some point you are going to have to face that harsh reality in a way that you cannot imagine at the moment.
he was saying it would blow "no later than 1997" at one time too, so "we will see" is right.
Back then there was that little thing called the Asian Crisis which was the beginning of the collapse that has been ongoing. LaRouche said back then that the only reason the system was staying together was because of massive liquidity pumping and book-cooking fraud. Of course people like yourself howl with ridicule when you hear that kind of stuff, but now of course it is public knowledge that the government and large corporations have lied and cooked their books to make themselves appear solvent.
so "we will see" is right. (was he also telling you that y2k was going to blow the system? just wondering.....i havent had the time or desire really, to go back into the larouche archives and find out what he was saying about y2k..
Actually Larouche said that the whole Y2K thing was a fraud intended to pump up tech spending to fuel the Nasdaq bubble, which of course blew out a couple of months into Y2K. / You Know
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
but i do think its extremely beneficial to re-post past lies youve been caught in to educate the newbies..
The problem, as I see it, is that most of you simply refuse to acknowledge that I was right. And, apparently, a few of you are simply so ignorant and dim witted about current affairs that you are incapable of even discussing reality as it actually exists. So, for the past year, periodically, you and others have felt it necessary to try and interpret what I meant and what I didn't mean as regards my little wager. That's what is laughable.
The greatest irony, though, is that the whole cycle is about to repeat itself, only on a much grander scale. What I mean is this: Last year at this time the financial system was on the verge of a meltdown. 9-11 was made to order for the Anglo-American establishment in that it allowed them to drastically cut short term interest rates, for one thing, and the government bailed out the already failing airline industry, and ramped up government defense spending, which pumped a lot of money into the pipeline. That seemed to turn the trick as far as averting a financial collapse at least for the moment. It also gave them a license to start a war pretty much any where they chose.
But now as the calander year comes around to the first anniversary of 9-11 the financial system is back to where it was before the massive injection of liquidity temporarily saved the day. Only now the situation is much more grime. Now you have got giant economies like Brazil threatening to default on hundreds of billions of dollars of debt. You've got disasters in hightech, communications industries, and now the banking sector is crashing. Junk bond defaults are at an all time high. The gigantic Ditech real estate bubble seems like it is now primed to pop. There are rumors circulating that there are some big derivatives players in a world of trouble. So, that's why you have the incessant talk about invading Iraq. They know that the Fed is out of ammo as far as lowering rates any more. I suppose they can go ahead and zero them out, which is what they will probably do pretty soon. But that will merely signal that the dollar has become relatively powerless. They need a war, desperately. But, if the system blows before they attack Iraq they won't even have the means to finance their milatary operations. And then, though, on the other side of the coin, a large scale war in the Middle East would probably send oil through the roof, which would certainly be the final proverbial nail in the coffin of the moribund American economy. You might say that the U.S. is caught between Iraq and a hard place. Incidently, some officials are telling the Saudis that the U.S. is going to seize their oil fields. If that is not desperation I don't know what is.
So, last year's events were merely a primer for the main event. And I am glad to keep these issues and developements to the fore on this board. LaRouche is saying the financial system is gonna blow before October. So, we will see. As things develop I may even be up for another "little wager" soon. LOL / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 6 August 2002 11:7:34
by You Know inas part of the sign of his presence, jesus said: "furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death.
until recently it was difficult to imagine how such a scenario might play itself out in fulfillment of christ's prophecy.
but, with the ongoing apostasy now accelerating, and the world's financial system rapidly crumbling, and rumors of war a part of daily life, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the stage is being set for jesus' words to become a horrifying reality.
You Know
So you still don't know how to reply to me, then. You're not very good at this debating stuff, are you?
What do you want to debate about? / You Know